Bloedend Hart

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De Dijk
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(tab not 100% correct) De Dijk is a Dutch band that was formed in Amsterdam in 1981. They are considered one of the most successful and influential bands in the Netherlands. De Dijk's music is often described as a mix of rock, soul, and blues, with Dutch-language lyrics that are often inspired by urban life, love, and social themes. The band consists of vocalist Huub van der Lubbe, guitarist Nico Arzbach, keyboardist Pim Kops, bassist Hans van der Lubbe, and drummer Antonie Broek. With Huub van der Lubbe as the charismatic frontman, De Dijk is known for their powerful live performances and their ability to captivate audiences with their music. Throughout their career, they have released numerous albums and scored many hits in the Netherlands. Some of their most well-known songs include "Ik kan het niet alleen" (I Can't Do It Alone), "Bloedend hart" (Bleeding Heart), and "Als ze er niet is" (If She's Not There). De Dijk has received numerous awards and accolades for their musical work and continues to be regarded as one of the most beloved bands in the Netherlands.

Gutiar Pro Tab "Bloedend Hart" from De Dijk band is free to download. Tablature file De Dijk - Bloedend Hart opens by means of the Guitar PRO program. This program is available to downloading on our site.

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