Polca - Paraguay - no18 de 24 Piezas Sur-Americanas

1 2 3 4 5
Cardoso, Jorge
Size:39.41 Kb

Added extra meausure B7- at end going back to DC Added bas notes and fills to new themes Changed pattern over 2 measures (basic repetition): First measure in 6/8 with accent on 4 and shifted 6 Second measure in 3/4 with guiding bas accent on 3

Gutiar Pro Tab "Polca - Paraguay - no18 de 24 Piezas Sur-Americanas" from Cardoso, Jorge band is free to download. Tablature file Cardoso, Jorge - Polca - Paraguay - no18 de 24 Piezas Sur-Americanas opens by means of the Guitar PRO program. This program is available to downloading on our site.

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